I work at the intersection of art & impact.

I’m a Senior Editor in Children's at Chronicle Books in San Francisco. I’m a versatile bookmaker, comfortable with everything from creating large publishing programs and ideating in-house ‘homegrown’ ideas, to participating in high-profile auctions. I have demonstrated successes, such as Invisible Things landing on the New York Times bestseller list its first week on sale and This Is How We Do It being the most reprinted book in the company the year it released. We made There Is a Rainbow, a picture book about the pandemic, in under 6 months from acquisition to publication. And Seen and Unseen: What Dorothea Lange, Toyo Miyatake, and Ansel Adams’s Photographs Reveal About the Japanese American Incarceration won the Robert F. Sibert Medal and Bologna Ragazzi Award. I’ve worked at three independent bookstores on two coasts, and have a masters degree in Children’s Literature from Simmons University.